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Sulphur & Sulphuric Acid

Sulphur Bentonite Pastilles – SB 90

Fertilizer grade sulphur bentonite pastilles of 2 – 4 MM size are produced from pure molten sulphur. The swelling bentonite ruptures the sulphur into small particles enabling the efficient uptake of the sulphur by the growing plants. It is of even size pastilles of Tan cooper color. The free flowing and dust free characteristics make our product ideal for blending with other fertilizers for the widest range of crops....

Sulphur, Elemental Sulfur, Brimstone

Industrial & Fertilizer grade elemental sulphur pastilles of 2 – 4 MM size are produced from pure molten sulphur. It is of even size pastilles of light yellowish color. The free flowing and dust free characteristics make our product ideal for the widest range of applications.


Sulphuric acid is a colorless, odorless oily liquid. It is also named as Oil of Vitriol or Spirit of Sulphur and different names that refer to the chemical compound H2SO4. It boils at 338°C, has a specific gravity of 1.84@ 15˚C, and mixes violently with water.


Oleum is off white to amber fuming viscous oily hydroscopic liquid with characteristic odor that refers to the chemical compound H2SO4.SO3. Our Oleum plant technology is based on Absorption contact process by M/S.Monsanto – DMCC Enviro-Tech and Engineering Limited. Oleum is produced by absorption of sulphur trioxide gases with sulphuric acid in the circulating oleum. Oleum is extensively used in sulfating and sulphonating agent, dehydrating agent in nitrations, dyes, nitration of explosives and drying agent for chlorine and nitric acid.